Thursday, September 10, 2009

Challenge Ingredient: BBQ Sauce

Okay, I am completely insane and totally spaced that it was my turn to post the challenge this week. I would like to apologize profusely! I don't know if it was the holiday on Monday that threw me or what.

image may be found at

this week (next few days) our challenge ingredient is BBQ sauce. When I told my husband the challenge, he thought we were challenging everyone to make BBQ sauce. I laughed at him. Now, if you are feeling really adventurous, go ahead and make a BBQ sauce. The rest of us will just make a recipe that incorporates BBQ sauce.

There is much debate about the definitions of "barbecue" and "grilling", and what is truly considered "barbecue". There are so-called 'experts' who write treatises on the subject. Basically, here in the good 'ole US of A, there are many different styles of barbecue, and the definition varies by region. There is so much information out there on the subject, I swear you could get a Master's in "Barbecue Ethnology". People are crazy-serious about their barbecue!!

For information on Regional BBQ Sauce Variations, go HERE. It's pretty interesting.

To see a nice little article about it on Food Network's site, go HERE. Not as many regions represented, but a good article nonetheless.

For the secret to making your own barbecue sauce, for you adventurous types, go HERE.

If you want to see a video of Bobby Flay making a barbecue sauce, go HERE. Why, you ask? Uhm...Bobby.Flay. 'Nough said. What can I say? The hubs likes watching him for his grilling tips, and I like watching him for...his grilling tips! What were you thinking?! Ha!

Again, I apologize for getting the challenge up so late. Demonstrate your forgiveness of me by posting your recipes by Sunday (or the Sunday after that, as per our new rules). Happy Cooking/Grilling/Barbecuing!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

You husband would think that the challenge was to create BBQ sauce, not to create with it. :)