Sallie. My grandpa use to call me "Sal-my-gal", hence the screen name. (That's cool!)
Sallie. My grandpa use to call me "Sal-my-gal", hence the screen name. (That's cool!)
Where are you from?
You could say Utah, since I've lived here for the past 11years with my hottie husband. Before that I was an Army Brat, so I guess you could say I hail from planet Earth. (There seem to be a lot of us in the group who have moved around quite a bit.)
You could say Utah, since I've lived here for the past 11years with my hottie husband. Before that I was an Army Brat, so I guess you could say I hail from planet Earth. (There seem to be a lot of us in the group who have moved around quite a bit.)
Why did you join "What's In {Your} Oven?"
For fun! Adding more cyber-buddies to my social life is an added benefit. Plus, I was hoping to expand my culinary expertise, and pick up a few recipes along the way. A girl can always use more recipes.
For fun! Adding more cyber-buddies to my social life is an added benefit. Plus, I was hoping to expand my culinary expertise, and pick up a few recipes along the way. A girl can always use more recipes.
Who do you cook for?
Who don't I cook for? At least it seems that way sometimes. I cook for me. Oh-- and the other people that live here; husband, 5 daughters ages 8 mos. to 9 years. Once a month my extended family shows up for the weekend and I feed them too. That can be 15-30 people depending on who shows up. I say I cook for me because, much to the dismay of my husband, I only cook things I like. Who wants to spend hours in the kitchen for something you don't care to put in your mouth? Sounds like a waste of time and calories to me. (Holla!)
Who don't I cook for? At least it seems that way sometimes. I cook for me. Oh-- and the other people that live here; husband, 5 daughters ages 8 mos. to 9 years. Once a month my extended family shows up for the weekend and I feed them too. That can be 15-30 people depending on who shows up. I say I cook for me because, much to the dismay of my husband, I only cook things I like. Who wants to spend hours in the kitchen for something you don't care to put in your mouth? Sounds like a waste of time and calories to me. (Holla!)
What kind of food do you like?
Hmmmm...If I could I'd live on cookies, brownies, ice-cream and fruit. Hence the expanded waist line I'm currently sporting. (Heh, heh, heh. Me, too!) In terms of real food I love everything off the grill. I grill in rain, sleet, snow, or shine. Kind of like the mail man. On the rare occasion that I get asked on a date I like to go out for Mexican, Italian, Indian... anything I don't have to cook myself is almost always twice as delicious.
Hmmmm...If I could I'd live on cookies, brownies, ice-cream and fruit. Hence the expanded waist line I'm currently sporting. (Heh, heh, heh. Me, too!) In terms of real food I love everything off the grill. I grill in rain, sleet, snow, or shine. Kind of like the mail man. On the rare occasion that I get asked on a date I like to go out for Mexican, Italian, Indian... anything I don't have to cook myself is almost always twice as delicious.
What do you hope to get out of participating in "What's in {Your} Oven"?
I'm totally prepping for Food Network's Iron Chef. Do they have an online version for suburban moms? Oh-- I guess we started it : )
I'm totally prepping for Food Network's Iron Chef. Do they have an online version for suburban moms? Oh-- I guess we started it : )
Thanks for being our spotlight, Sallie. It was fun to get to know a little more about you. You have a fun personality and we look forward to seeing more posts from you!
ha! I'm the same way. If I don't like it, I don't cook it.
Glad to have you on board!
For anyone that doesn't know Sallie, she is a GREAT cook. Don't ever believe her if she says she's not. My family always wants her recipes when I make her dishes. Apparently she comes from a long line of good cooks. She's also a great friend and SIL! Love you Sal!
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